About Us

I have always been about 2 wheels, whether it’s big bore race bikes or striped down fixies, everything on 2 wheels has always enchanted me.
I have raced bikes, been a bike mechanic and eventually had a go at electric bikes and since that time some years ago and after a brief retirement my wife Diana and I decided to jump into 2 wheels as advocates and retailers of e-bikes.
Ebikes are a game changing technology, more beneficial than EV’s for the environment and 💯% better for your health both mental and physical.
The industry is beginning to deal with recycling of batteries and we are a big advocate of rebuilding lithium batteries as best practice. Right to repair laws are changing and will soon pave the way for this to happen in a responsible manner and we’ll be there.
We are also constant advocates of safer biking and walking in our City. Firm believers in building safer bikeways that people will utilize replacing countless car trips further reducing traffic, pollution and noise levels.
Come see us we serve the Southeast as premier ebike experts,advocates and adventurers. We are retailers of 20+ ebike brands and we service everything that we sell and more. And don’t forget the Golden Rule of Community
Buy Local and Be Proud of your support for your neighbors and they’ll support you.